
Sermons IMG

In a day when the pulpit ministry is minimized at best and even maligned at worst, it is a driving passion at Sola Scriptura Ministries. Posted here are selected messages by our founder. Some come from his regular preaching ministry at Grace Bible Church in Meeker, Colorado, while a few are from his conference speaking.  Some are standalone messages, but most are part of various series.
Special to Pastor’s Watson’s heart is his entire exposition of Ephesians, which involved 3-1/2 years of pulpit ministry. Recorded from February 2003 through August 2006, SSM supporter, Dorothy Obenski, laboriously converted the tapes to MP3 files so they could be posted here. This exposition is also scheduled for print publication in 2016 in two volumes: The Christian’s Wealth and Walk: An Expository Commentary on Ephesians.
We pray the messages posted here will be a blessing to you.


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